2019 Indian + Modern Jazz Trio

Lafayette, Colorado, United States
200 E. South Boulder Rd
Lafayette, Colorado 80026
United States
720 352 4327

Gig Description

Monday, May 13th in Lafayette, CO —  a cross-cultural meeting of modern jazz + Indian rhythm and melody.

A double bill with jazz drummer & composer Trevor Anderies and his quartet!

Sheela Bringi & Trevor Anderies Double Bill
When: Monday, May 13th, 7 PM  (my trio plays the first set starting at 7 PM, followed by Trevor Anderies Quartet around 8:30 PM).

LocationMuse Performance Space
200 E. South Boulder Rd., Lafayette, CO 80026
(near the intersection of South Boulder Rd. & Hwy 287)

Price: $15 (available online or at the door)
To get tickets online click here.

tabla artist Nabin Shrestha
jazz pianist Rory Cowal
and myself (bansuri + harmonium + voice)

Ticketing Link: https://coloradoboxoffice.com/events/trevor-andries-and-sheela-bringi-quartets